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Several AINA members contributed to the World Stroke Congress in Montreal, Canada Oct 17-20. The roles included invited speakers and oral abstract presenters.
AINA members shared an informal networking dinner. Pictured are (L to R):
Drs. PN Sylaja, Aneesh Singhal, Rohit Bhatia, Dheeraj Khurana, Jeyeraj Pandian, Dileep Yavagal, Pooja Khatri, Seemant Chaturvedi
View all past award recipients
The American Academy of Neurology announces the 2019 International Scholarship Award. Applications will be accepted beginning August 23, 2018. This scholarship is designed to provide eligible international candidates the opportunity to attend and participate in the Annual Meeting. It is not necessary to be a member to apply.
Recipient will receive:
The 2019 AAN International Scholarship Award deadline is October 24, 2018. Applicants will be notified in January 2019.
For more information, please contact Lynee Koester at (612) 928-6127 or lkoester@aan.com
AINA would like to thank many of you that were able to attend our 2nd AINA NCS get together at the Neurocritical Care Society meeting in Boca Raton at the 16th Annual Neurocritical Society Meeting. We had a great turnout, stimulating conversations and discussed the need to continue these conversations beyond the annual meeting!
More to come from us!
Apply Online
The Association of Indian Neurologists in America (AINA) and Indian Academy of Neurology (IAN) have joined hands to institute four (4) observerships of maximum 6 weeks duration in United States (US) in 2019 for eligible life members (see eligibility criteria below) of the Indian Academy of Neurology.
To find more information, details, and to apply, please go to the Indian Academy of Neurology website by clicking here.
AINA Lifetime Achievement Award
Find more details and apply here. The AINA Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a leader in neurology by her/his peers. The recipient will be a North American neurologist chosen based on her/his dedication in advancing the training of North American neurologists of Indian origin and promoting innovation and research in the field of neurology. The recipient will have supported Indian neurologists over a significant period of time in achieving meaningful progress toward expressed goals.
Application Procedure
Nominator should submit one copy of the following:
The 2019 awards deadline is October 24, 2018.
For more information, please contact Suzi Sherman at grants@americanbrainfoundation.org or (612) 928-6315.
For more information about the Association for Indian Neurologists in America (AINA) please visit: www.4aina.com
AINA Member Dr. Usha Misra leads trial that was published in the August 2018 Journal of the American Medical Association regarding fludrocortisone in TB meningitis.
Safety and Efficacy of Fludrocortisone in the Treatment of Cerebral SaltWasting in PatientsWith Tuberculous Meningitisl A Randomized Clinical Trial
AINA Member Dr. Pooja Khatri, MD, MSc, from the Department of Neurology at the University of Cincinnati, served as lead author of the long-awaited PRISMS trial in the July 2018 Journal of the American Medical Association regarding the PRISMS Randomized Clinic Trial:
Effect of Alteplase vs Aspirin on Functional Outcome for Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and Minor Nondisabling Neurologic Deficits
For more information, please click here for the full article. Congratulations to Dr. Khatri!
Dr. Kapil Sethi's article was featured in the June 2018 "The Lancet" titled: All about water buffaloes and refusing to be boring. Dr. Sethi is a previous AINA Lifetime Achievement Award Winner and AINA Lifetime Member.
View the first paragraph of his article and click here to read more!
You may know him as Professor Emeritus of Neurology at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University (Augusta, GA, USA), as director of the College’s Movement Disorders Program (1985–2016), or perhaps as director of its National Parkinson’s Foundation Center of Excellence (2000–2009). You may know him from the many (many) clinical trials on Parkinson’s disease, restless legs syndrome, and other movement disorders with which he has been involved. Many of you will know him best as your teacher— the expert in movement disorders who tried to make your medical training more meaningful, more relevant, and whenever possible, more fun. His own primary school teachers back in the Punjabi town of Sultanpur, however, knew him as the little rascal who used to run away from school and who had to be dragged back to class (yes, truly held on jute mats under a shade tree). While he tells me his story, I wonder if what I write should be a tribute to him or to those teachers, whose brilliant educational diagnosis and application of the right treatment planted the seed that grew into those different Kapils we know today.
Dr. Mike Sharma, Professor of Neurology at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON, Canada, was one of the lead authors of the NAVIGATE-ESUS study published online May 16 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The large international study compared rivaroxaban vs. aspirin for stroke prevention in patients with stroke of undetermined etiology. Click here for more information.
AINA is pleased to continue to grow our Association of Indian Neurologists in America. We have welcomed many new lifetime members over the last few months, along with in training members and annual members! Please join us in welcoming these great new lifetime members that joined us in May!